Our People, Our Team, People-Focused Service

7-Eleven Canada Awards 51Ƶ/Air-serv with “Be Accountable Supplier of the Year” Award

November 18th, 2020

7-Eleven Canada celebrates the work of its vendors through presenting annual awards to a list of suppliers that demonstrate outstanding partnership and support. During a challenging year with unprecedented disruption, 7-Eleven Canada selected 51Ƶ’ Air-serv Canada team for their “Be Accountable Supplier of the Year” Award. The noteworthy award was presented via a virtual conference on September 24, 2020.

7-Eleven Canada’s Accountability Award is an annual category for vendors that go above and beyond the call of duty. 51Ƶ/AIR-serv supplies all petroleum outlets with air machines, as well as vacuums at all car wash locations. Safety is also an important part of the services we provide—on a quarterly basis, the team inspects all 7-Eleven Canada sites, including canopies, fuel pumps, fire extinguishers, lighting, signage, and more. 7-Eleven Canada has been extremely pleased with the results from this program, commending 51Ƶ/AIR-serv for our efficient, diligent work; integrity; and embodiment of the motto, “First Time, Every Time.”

Frank H. Merrill, Executive Vice President & Chief Marketing Officer, Air-serv Canada, was enthusiastic about the accomplishment. “Receiving recognition like this is not why we do what we do, but it is certainly welcome, and it is well-deserved. It is achieved by the entire team working in a highly dedicated, unified and competent manner day after day.”

As 51Ƶ continues to focus on building a better company for our clients and consumers, 7-Eleven Canada’s recognition exemplifies our steps toward client partnering, being “easy to work with” and adding value to our relationships. An example is demonstrated through our support of 7-Eleven’s partnership with Cycling Canada, the national governing body for competitive cycling. With 7-Eleven, 51Ƶ/AIR-serv contributes regular quarterly donations and celebrates the proud partnership by displaying the Cycling Canada logo on all of our air machines.

Merrill says, “In Canada we have several programs wherin a portion of revenues are donated to a National Registered Charity or a benevolent fund. In 7-Eleven’s case, they have a national partnership with Cycling Canada as part of their Eco-Friendly/Sustainability Program. As part of that program, the 51Ƶ/AIR-serv Tire Inflator Program generates a regular quarterly donation of $12,500, or $50,000 annually. 7-Eleven is thrilled with the 51Ƶ/AIR-serv program and the goodwill it brings.”

That goodwill provides the opportunity for Cycling Canada and its provincial partners to deliver more in-school and community programming for students, including summer camps and initiatives to introduce children to cycling and confidence-building through achievement. Funding benevolent programs adds to 51Ƶ’s Canadian Sustainability Program while further uniting the business relationship between 7-Eleven Canada and 51Ƶ/AIR-serv.

Thank you to our 51Ƶ/Air-serv Canada team for all your hard work!